
Sculptra is an FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) injectable that is a collagen stimulator. Sculptra helps restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to diminish facial wrinkles. Collagen is the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissues. Collagen is lost each year as we age past our 20’s. This will help rebuild the underlying structure and collagen in the skin over time.


  • Sculptra injections are very tolerable. The injections cause mild, very temporary discomfort, and feel similar to a slight pinching sensation. Sculptra is pre-mixed with lidocaine; However, A topical numbing agent can be applied prior to injections, to ease any discomfort. Ice is applied to the treated area to aid swelling and ease discomfort.

  • There is no downtime required after being treated Sculptra, and you are not required to schedule any time off of work. However, exercise is not recommended for 24-hours after the injections.

  • You may see immediate results for 24 hours after being injected with Sculptra; however, these results are temporary. Sculptra itself is a collagen stimulator, the product itself does not provide a filling action. Sculptra causes a reaction in the skin which forms new collagen, so results from Sculptra will be gradually seen over a few months. Results from Sculptra can last up to 2 years; However, individual results may vary. Multiple treatments of Sculptra may be required.

  • After your Sculptra injections, mild swelling, soreness, red bumps or bruising may appear. However, any redness tends to dissipate shortly after treatment and makeup can be gently applied.

    Bruising and swelling may last up to 48-72 hours after injections. You may experience tenderness at injection site for a few days after your treatment.

    For discomfort you may take Tylenol. Arnica creams can be topically applied to aid bruising, swelling and pain after treatment.

  • *IMPORTANT: You must massage each treated area, FIVE minutes, FIVE times each day, for FIVE days. Arnica gel may be used for massage to help reduce bruising, pain and swelling. Massage may be easiest when you are cleansing or moisturizing your face.

Unsure what treatment is right for you? Book a free consultation today!